5 Inspirational Transgender Transition Journey Videos

5 Inspirational Transgender Transition Journey Videos

Whilst doing some research on an upcoming blog post, titled ‘The ‘A to Z’ of Transitioning’, I was inspired by a number of video’s from trans men and women giving their inspirational and moving stories about transition, So, I just posted this quick video article giving 5 amazing and uplifting journeys from both MTF (Male to Female) & FTM (Female to Male).

Transgender transition can take you from hiding yourself, through questioning yourself, and then through self-acceptance, and we haven’t yet reached the the actual transition which for me, has been ― and still is ― quite some ride.

“I didn’t realize who I was until I stopped being who I wasn’t

Enjoy watching these transition videos, I hope they give you as much inspiration and hope as they gave me.

Male To Female Transition (MTF) Videos:

Caitlyn Jenner – Diane Sawyer 20/20 Interview:
Bruce Jenner talks about his transition to become a woman, namely Caitlyn Jenner, the former Olympian has received mixed reception from the transgender community, but has persisted with transition from male to female in the spotlight of massive media attention. (See Featured Video Above)

A transgender teens journey to womanhood by Emmie Smith:
When Massachusetts twins Caleb and Emmie Smith were born in 1998, it was hard to tell them apart. Today Emmie says, “When we were 12, I didn’t feel like a boy, but I didn’t know it was possible to be a girl.” At 17 Emmie came out as transgender, and recently she underwent gender-confirmation surgery.

I Am Jazz – A Family In Transition:
The story of a remarkable transgender girl named “Jazz” and the social and emotional issues faced by both transgender children and their family.


Female To Male Transition (FTM) Videos:

My Gender Transition from Female to Male by Jamie:
When I was four I just thought I was like any other boy, this video journey tells the journey of Jamie who has gone through female to male transition at college age.

Pre-T to One Year On Testosterone by Ryan Jacobs:
Ryan is going through female to male transition and this video gives his one year snapshot and montage of the effects through testosterone hormones.

A transgender transition is unique to every individual but we all share the need to reach a place in our lives which allows us to face each day with happiness and fulfillment. So, for trans men and women the realization of reaching that rainbow at the end of transition is truly amazing, the journey and all its struggle cannot be underestimated.

If you are on the road of male to female transition; take a look at our review of the ‘Stepping Out‘ program, used by many trans individuals to help navigate this sometimes difficult journey to womanhood.


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